Monday, July 13, 2009

Mom of the Year

Isn't that what you feel like when your child looks like this.

The reason Gage's eye looks like this is because he got a mosquito bite close to his eye. This also happened a couple weeks ago so I called the doctor and he wanted me to bring him in. Apparently he's allergic to mosquito bites. While I was there he was nice enough to do his eighteen month check up.
Here's his stats:
Weight 25 lbs (40%)
Height 33 1/5 inches (85%)


Bryndie said...

Ohhh Lis! You dont even want to take them in public afraid that people may think you beat them or something! We have had some dandies ourselves.

Anthony and Kristie said...

Poor Gage, it makes my eye hurt just to look at the picture.

Mechelle said...

Gabe totally just had this same thing this last weekend! I was afraid to take hime anywhere because like bryndie said- I didn't want people thinking I beat him! Totally funny!

Angie said...

Yeah. We're turning you in for neglect and mailing you some bug repellant. :) Poor guy.